07311 073687   dream@conosurexperiences.com

Find your perfect match










An independent agent of Inteletravel UK



Find your perfect travel match

Travelling solo is great, but sometimes companionship enhances the journey. We offer a discreet travel companion matching service to connect you with like-minded adventurers for your next adventure.

Our service goes beyond basic profiles. We utilize personality assessments and leverage expert consultations (all completely confidential) to ensure a fantastic fit.

Your privacy is paramount. No information is shared without your consent, and all data is securely destroyed after 12 months.

Ready to find your travel buddy? Contact Conosur Experiences today!







How does the travel companion work?

  • Take a personality test based on Myers Briggs and share it with us. There are many tools available like Free Personality Test or
    Personality Test and The Typefinder Personality Test
  • If you already know your personality type, just note it. Complete the form
  • Pay for the service
  • I will get back to you within two weeks and will continue to look over a period of 12 months
  • Please note I manually match your profiles. For this reason, the process is entirely safe and confidential. I will not share any personal data with other parties unless you authorise us. This is not a dating service. I will endeavour to match interests and a broad personality trait leaving further discussions with you once you have been introduced to your companions.




How does the matching work?

When we have identified potential matches, we will write to each party, providing anonymous information on the results. For example, “Hi John, we have identified that E (M/F) may be a potential match as a travel companion as you are both compatible personalities and share common interests and other demographic traits. If you would like to be in touch by sharing only your first name and email address, please give your consent by responding to this message and stating your intention clearly. We will then write to all of you seeking consent to share your email address and first names. It will be up to you to get in touch further. If you do not respond to this email I will assume you do not wish to proceed with this match”.

Only after we receive the consent of the parties in question will we contact you. From then on, it is your decision on how to proceed. If you agree to travel together, we can proceed to the normal stages of the reservation and custom-made services. We will only provide up to three confirmed matches. If you do not respond to the three messages, we will consider the case closed.


The small print
We take no responsibility for how the match work as you are fully in control to accept the proposals or not.
We will treat all of your data in the strictest confidence and in accordance to GDPR regulations so you can access it any time, have it destroyed at any time and so on.
We will never disclose the full content of personality tests or forms you have shared with us to other parties, but simply put the parties we deem compatible in touch with each other so any information you will provide us with to facilitate this process will remain with us only and for the necessary period of time required to provide the service only.
We will in any event delete (destroy) your data after a period of 12 months whether there has been a match or not.
We are unable to guarantee we can provide a match but we will make every attempt within the period in question.
If you decline three proposed matches we will look no further and close the service until renewed by you.
We are passionate about confidentiality, discretion and privacy but if you would like to discuss with us further please contact us.







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If you are would like to find a travel companion for a South American tour, 

call your South American travel consultant today on 07311 073687.

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